Our claim

High placement quality and high retention rates.

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The INOSOLVE STAFFING team integrates diverse impulses into their selection process.

In doing so, we never lose sight of the human being.

Whether it is a placement or a temporary assignment – the most important thing is a common understanding of your requirements as an employer and your needs as an employee. Our mission is to find the “perfect match”. Open communication of challenges and opportunities on both sides paves the way for long-term employment relationships.

In the case of foreign workers, it is also about integration into existing teams, an appreciative welcome upon arrival in Europe, and support during the first few months. Due to the international activity of the INOSOLVE Consulting Department, we have people who themselves come from the Arab or Asian region and are thus active as companions.

Our benefit for both employers and employees is our commitment to quality. In addition to professional competence, we make sure that candidates also fit in with the future company and team (person-environment fit).

We want both sides to feel comfortable and the expectation to be met. We also maintain contact beyond the hiring process, thus enabling sustainable support.

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